Help is always appreciated. There is a huge need to get the word out about Autoimmune Encephalitis. Social media is the rage nowadays so all the sharing of posts or pages and follows on social media will help greatly.

So, others know they aren’t alone, tell your story, or share a link to your story that can be posted here and on the LWAE social media accounts.

Also, LWAE is always looking for good articles and creating them so, if you want to guest blog or send a link to your article, that would be great.

Lastly, with helping, a lot of people would like to give money to help with various operating costs of an organization; however, LWAE is not ready to accommodate those requests as of yet.

As such, we would appreciate you donating to a place that is near and dear to my heart, the awesome Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania which is probably better known as PennMed, and more specifically, the Neurology Department. Link to Donate to Penn Medicine Department of Neurology


Helping spread the word is always appreciate and much needed.  Share anything and everything you want on the site with the buttons on the page/post.


Helping spread the word is always appreciate and much needed.
Follow LWAE on social media and share what you like.


We must have something in common. We all have a story. How did your journey start? It will help others also. Let me know your story or give me a link to it so I can repost it.


Do you like doing research and writing or want to expand your knowledge by writing articles that require research?


LWAE is not accepting donations, but donations to one of the organizations listed below would be appreciated..


LWAE is not fundraising, but donations to one of the organizations listed below would be appreciated.

If you would like to help and since LWAE is not accepting donations nor funds from fund raising, a donation to one of these organizations would help many with autoimmune encephalitis.