Autoimmune illnesses are when the body’s immune system “attacks” the body thinking it is protecting the body. Encephalitis is the swelling of the brain. Autoimmune Encephalitis is an illness where one’s immune system thinks there is “something” it needs to defend the body against so it creates antibodies as usual. However, the immune system mistakenly targets one’s brain and attacks it as an intruder. The usual cause of Autoimmune Encephalitis is an underlying illness, tumor, or teratoma.
Like other illnesses, it can progressively get worse to the point of coma, permanent injury to the brain, or even death if not treated quickly and correctly. Autoimmune Encephalitis is also categorized as a relapsing and remitting illness which means it can flare up during treatment or recovery or remission.
The type of Autoimmune Encephalitis depends on the antibodies found.